Check trendy hairstyles for men that will suit your hair length and hair type. Scroll down to discover what types of hairstyles have won the largest popularity among men of different ages. Brush cut or butch male hairstyle? It’s up to you to choose!
- 1 The Best Hairstyles for Men: What is it?
- 2 The best short length male hairstyles
- 2.1 The French Crop
- 2.2 A brush cut men’s hairstyle
- 2.3 A burr hairstyle for men
- 2.4 A business hairstyle for men
- 2.5 A butch male hairstyle
- 2.6 A Caesar cut hairstyle for men
- 2.7 A crew cut men’s hairstyle
- 2.8 A fade hairstyle for men
- 2.9 A hi-top fade male hairstyle
- 2.10 A flat-top hairstyle for men
- 2.11 A high and tight male hairstyle
- 2.12 An ivy league men’s hairstyle
- 2.13 A layered cut hairstyle for men
- 2.14 A taper cut men’s hairstyle
- 2.15 A natural ethnic male hairstyle
- 2.16 A duck’s ass hairstyle for men
- 2.17 An Eton crop male hairstyle
- 2.18 An induction cut men’s hairstyle
- 2.19 A line-up hairstyle for men
- 2.20 A slicked-back male hairstyle
- 2.21 A waves hairstyle for men
- 2.22 A tonsure men’s hairstyle
- 3 The best medium length male hairstyles
- 3.1 A chonmage hairstyle for men
- 3.2 A mohawk men’s hairstyle
- 3.3 A Jerry curl male hairstyle
- 3.4 A mop-top hairstyle for men
- 3.5 A wings men’s hairstyle
- 3.6 A comb-over male hairstyle
- 3.7 A curtained hairstyle for men
- 3.8 A pompadour male hairstyle
- 3.9 A quiff hairstyle for men
- 3.10 A regular men’s hairstyle
- 3.11 A crazy coils hairstyle for men
- 3.12 A ponytail men’s hairstyle
- 3.13 An undercut hairstyle for men
- 3.14 An oseledets male hairstyle
- 4 The best long length male hairstyles
- 5 Hairstyling tendencies:
- 6 Conclusion
The Best Hairstyles for Men: What is it?
It seems that only women must worry about the choice of the right hairstyle. In fact, it is not so. Nowadays men are eager to attract and even surprise their halves and the easiest way to do it is to create your personal individual hairstyle. But what is considered to be the best men’s hairstyle? The answer lies in various points. Among them are your facial features, occupation, age, and even your origin. It means that in choosing your best hairstyle you should take into consideration all these facts and find out the most suitable style for you.
The more you know about various male hairstyles – the more right choice you will make. That is why it is really important to take insight into all possible men’s hairstyles to be able to choose the best for you.

Actually, there are plenty of different variants of one and the same hairstyle. In spite of the classification given below, the question remains disputable. From one point of view, a style can be related to a kind of a short length whilst from another, it can be regarded as a medium or even long length hairstyle. Everything depends on a variation appropriate for a definite male hairstyle.
The best short length male hairstyles

The French Crop
The French crop is one of the classic male hairstyles. But today, one can see that it differs much from the initial haircut version. Most men wear hair forward to make a fringe. The haircut looks great for men of any age. Young guys can experiment with the French crop and combine this style with messy hair. By choosing a non-standard texture you can create a completely new unique French crop that will look trendy in 2021. Feel free to make it original and add a special charm to this romantic hairstyle for males who like the combination of traditional haircuts with the fashionable touch.

A brush cut men’s hairstyle
The sides and back for this male hairstyle are cut short and are made in a shape of a taper whilst the hair on the top of the head is often cut to the same length, following the form of the head. There is no tapering in length on the top of the head that is worn straight up to imitate the bristles of a brush.

A burr hairstyle for men
This is a very short men’s hairstyle. It is created with the help of a clipper with a very short blade cutting all the hair on the head to the same length. Usually, it is 1/8 inch or shorter. In this style, you can see a great part of a scalp. A burr style looks quite rough and resembles sandpaper when you rub the head against the grain of your hair growth.

A business hairstyle for men
A business hairstyle for men is a conservative, short and appropriate for an office setting cut. It usually appeals to a tapered cut on the sides and back with enough length on the top of the head that makes it possible to part the hair or wear it brushed back from the forehead.

A butch male hairstyle
This men’s hairstyle is also created with the help of a clipper cutting all the hair to the same length on the top of the head but typically about 1/4 inch or so. Comparing to a burr style it is a bit longer. It depends on the preference of a person which way to wear this style whether tapered around the ears and near the neckline or not.

A Caesar cut hairstyle for men
This style owes its name to Julius Caesar, a Roman Emperor, general and statesman. He wore short bangs forward, the back and sides were tapered. Thus, the look of a modern man resembles Caesar’s style. In this male hairstyle, the hair on the top of the head is layered to around a length of 1 to 2 inches whilst the front combed forward into short bangs.

A crew cut men’s hairstyle
In such a way they call a very short cut that is tapered on the back and sides as well as on the top of the head and has a little more length toward the front hairline. The contour of the head usually followed on the top gives a somewhat rounded look. If the hair is brushed up in the front, the style can be considered as a very short version of a short pompadour or a classic taper cut.

A fade hairstyle for men
A fade men’s hairstyle is regarded as an extreme type of taper cut style. It is so because of the hair that is cut very close to the head on the sides and back and then tapered up. Usually, it begins above the ears or at the temple and goes to a longer length on the top of the head. Actually there are many various names for fades, such as low fade, temple fade, Brooklyn fade, Philly fade, and others.

A hi-top fade male hairstyle
In this hairstyle, the hair on the sides is cut off or kept rather short whilst the hair on the top of the head is quite long. However, there is another version of this male hairstyle that is called a low fade. It is created in such a way that the hair on the top is kept shorter.
During the 1980s and the early 1990s, this trend symbolized the Golden Era of urban contemporary music and hip hop. The style was popular among young Black people, particularly from Washington, DC, the New York City and Philadelphia areas. At this time, the shape of hi-top fades became more geometrically defined. It has become more massive and a bit higher. In 1988-1989 this hairstyle represented the rap culture.
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By the late 90s, this style entirely went out of fashion but in spite of this fact it made a great comeback in mid-2010 due to the revival of hip hop fashion since 2011. Among modern hi-top fades we can name a famous basketball player from the National Basketball Association – Nerlens Noel.

A flat-top hairstyle for men
In the flat top men’s hairstyle, the hair on the sides and back is usually cut in a short taper whilst the hair on the top is cut to stand up in such a way that it gives a very flat appearance to the top of the head. In fact, there is a great number of possible length variations within this male hairstyle. However, if your hair on the top is quite long, you will need some sort of styling product, for instance, hair wax, to keep it standing up straight.

A high and tight male hairstyle
In this style, the sides and back are again extremely short. They can be clipped nearly to the skin or shaved all the way up to the crown of the head. The top of the head and the forward part of the head are usually worn very short – 1/4 inch or shorter, though some men wear the very front part a little longer. Also, there is a minimal amount of blending between the sides and the top; naturally, it varies by preference. This style is considered the best suitable for the military, especially for the Marine Corps.
There is a more extreme variation of this men’s hairstyle that is called “high and tight recon”. In this case, the sides and back are shaved very high, approximately an inch or two past the crown of the head. Another distinguishing feature is that there is no blending between the sides and the top. And the patch of hair left on the top forward part of the head is smaller than in a high and tight and a bit narrower.

An ivy league men’s hairstyle
In this style, the hair gradually falls longer and fuller toward the front due to cut short and tapered across the crown sides and back. There are two main versions of the style – the classic style and the contemporary one. In a classic ivy league hairstyle, enough hair is left in the front in such a way that it can be neatly parted and styled, usually with gel or pomade. In the contemporary ivy league haircut the hair is styled up or forward in the front, but still generally follows the shape of the head.

A layered cut hairstyle for men
This style suggests cutting your hair at different lengths throughout your head. Sometimes layers can be blended in a way that you cannot see where one length leaves off and another begins. If you like to have a chunky appearance, it is better to leave the layers unblended. Moreover, layering helps remove bulk and weight from the areas where the hair is generally left longer. Another secret within this style lies in that if you apply gel or pomade, you will have a more modern look.

A taper cut men’s hairstyle
It is just a short hairstyle where the sides and back are cut inch by inch down toward the neck with even blending throughout the head. The hair on the top of the head is tapered but it can be left quite short or long enough to part or style with pomade or gel. A well-done taper cut hairstyle should not demonstrate any demarcation lines, it means that the transitions between hair lengths must be smooth.

A natural ethnic male hairstyle
This kind of hairstyle is frequently worn by Black South Asian people. A typical texture of the hair is not modified by any chemical products. That is why it is called natural. Each strand of the hair grows in a tiny corkscrew, spring-like shape. Thereby this style is popular among African people.

A duck’s ass hairstyle for men
In this style, the hair is combed back around the sides of the head. The teeth edge of a comb is used to define a central parting and runs from the crown to the nape at the back of the head. It makes this style resemble the rear end of a duck. The sides on the back are styled to resemble the folded wings of the duck.
It is stated that this hairstyle was invented in 1940 by a barber from Philadelphia. And so the hairstyle was popular among the Mexican-American people. During the 1950s the duck’s ass style was a symbolic coiffure of discontented young males across the English-speaking world. The style gained its popularity, particularly after the rise of Elvis Presley – a rock ‘n roll legend.

An Eton crop male hairstyle
The Eton crop is a very short slicked-down men’s hairstyle. It involves layering and tapering of the hair to make it closely cut to the head. Typically the hair is pre-cut to a short length and only then cut shorter. For this reason, it requires a razor, scissors, clippers – everything depends on what kind of look the person wants to achieve. It is worth mentioning that to keep the shape of the style you will need regular trims, approximately 4 to 6 weeks.

An induction cut men’s hairstyle
If you are not going to shave your head with a razor this style is the best among the shortest possible. New male recruits in most of the world’s armed forces, especially in the United States, receive this hairstyle as the first.
The induction cut hairstyle has two main purposes. First of all, it is a practical one. This style was created to reduce the chances of disease, for instance, head lice, among closely quartered recruits from different geographical areas. The second aim is a psychological one – to strip recruits of their individuality and promote the “team” mentality that is so desirable in a platoon of military recruits.

As a matter of fact, the induction hairstyle is usually performed within several minutes or hours of arrival at a boot camp. The technique of applying this style is used to give a mental shock to male recruits and to help them adapt to their decision to become a member of the armed forces.
In the present-day common life of ordinary people, this style is rather popular, especially among balding men.

A line-up hairstyle for men
In this style, the hair has a regular line across the forehead and then it blends with the sideburns at a 90-degree angle. Originally this style was worn by African Americans and Hispanics. The hairstyle reached its popularity during the 1990s. About Line up short beard styles you can read here.

A slicked-back male hairstyle
This hairstyle is created by combing the hair back away from the forehead. However, to hold it in place you will need the help of hair styling products.

A waves hairstyle for men
For this hairstyle, the hair must be cropped short to the head in the style of a Caesar cut and then by using brushing techniques an effect resembling oceanic waves can be produced. Depending on the type of hair repeated and frequent brushing is the only way to maintain the style. Besides if the hair lengthens, a man can achieve deeper waves.
It is advisable to maintain the style by weekly washing and conditioning, daily brushing and application of pomade.

A tonsure men’s hairstyle
This hairstyle expresses religious devotion or humility. It involves shaving whether a part of the hair or all the hair in such a way that it will be possible to see the scalp. Tonsure is practiced in Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox Church, Buddhism, and even Islam.
The best medium length male hairstyles

A chonmage hairstyle for men
It is a traditional Japanese male hairstyle that is commonly associated with samurai and present-day sumo wrestlers. Historically the style represented a status symbol of Japanese society because it was a way of using hair to carry a samurai helmet steady on the top of the head in a battle.
Originally the style featured a shaved pate. Whereas nowadays the pate is no longer shaved, the remaining hair is left medium and is usually tied into a small queue which is folded up on the top of the head in the specific topknot.
In fact, the chonmage is of great importance for sumo wrestlers. In the centerpiece of a wrestler’s retirement ceremony, it is snipped off. People of honor are usually invited for such events to take one snip while the final one must be taken by the trainer of a sportsman.

But Japan is not the only country where this hairstyle is popular. In the mid-2010s the chonmage was fashionable among a minority of young Australian, American, British and European men. They kept the hair on top medium while the back and sides were shaven. And still, you can find a man wearing chonmage almost in any part of the world. For instance, such celebrities as Orlando Bloom and Harry Styles popularized this style in modern times.

A mohawk men’s hairstyle
In this style both sides of the head are shaven whilst there is a strip of noticeably longer hair in the center. Originally the hair was plucked out rather than shaved.
In fact, the style comes out from the famous 1939 film “Drums along the Mohawk” with Henry Fonda in the main part. Once upon a time, there was the Mohawk nation that inhabited the Mohawk Valley in upstate New York.
This style can be high-maintenance depending on the way it is worn. Trimming and/or shaving is required to preserve a clean contrast between the unshaven and shaven, or short and long, portions of the hair. If there are bi and tri hawks, this can be rather complicated.

If the hair is worn up, you will need twisting, backcombing, blow-drying, brushing and various sprays.
This style is popular among Goth subculture, punks, hip-hop fans, skinheads and other various subcultures.

A Jerry curl male hairstyle
The Jerry curl is a permanent wave hairstyle that was widespread during the 1980s among Black British, Black Canadian and African American.
This style requires a softener to loosen the hair and a chemical solution to set the curls. In fact, the chemicals used to create the style can damage a man’s natural hair that becomes rather dry and brittle. To maintain the look of a good Jerry curl hairstyle it is recommended to use a curl activator spray and heavy moisturizers. Actually to preserve a well done Jerry curl style is a very expensive matter because of the usage of various hair styling products as well as quite often going to the hair salon.

To settle the problem the Curly Kit was invented. It is a cheap way to create your favorite hairstyle at home.

A mop-top hairstyle for men
It is a mid-length men’s hairstyle with a fringe or bangs brushed over the forehead, collar-length at back. The ears are usually partly covered by the hair, dependent on the version. It was made popular by The Beatles.

A wings men’s hairstyle
This hairstyle is widespread among surfer, skateboarding and preppy community. The wings hairstyle ranges from long and hanging loosely below the eyes, to a shorter length. Typically it is wavy but if it is made straight, the length comes to halfway down the ears. The hair is not lying on the man’s ears but flips up and comes out straight like an airplane wing.
It was popular in the 1960s, 1970s, 2000s, and early 2010s. In the early 1960s, the hairstyle was popular among surfer subcultures as they allowed their hair to grow out shaggy and wear it unstyled. Rock bands such as The Rolling Stones, The Monkees, and The Byrds copied that look. In the mid-1960s it was worn by representatives of the mob subculture and in the late 1960s, it gained its popularity among hippies who grew their hair medium in objection against the Vietnam War.

In the early 1970s and till the mid-1980s the wings hairstyle was common and accepted among teenagers and young men. From the 1990s until the mid-2000s the style made a comeback among fans of indie-pop. Nowadays it remains popular.

A comb-over male hairstyle
Sometimes it is considered a short hairstyle, but as it has long hair on the front and tapered back and sides, I would rather call it a medium one. Of course, different variations are always possible. The hair is combed in such a way that the crown of the head is covered, logically to do it in the way you should have at least medium length. Actually, this hairstyle gives you a modern and stylish look. In all the times the hairstyle has been worn with great success and was regarded as one of the best men’s hairstyles.
In fact, there are different ways to style a comb-over. Among the most frequent ones is the so-called neat way. It reminds the classic 1950s hairstyle in which the hair is neatly combed to the side starting from the hair part. Another way to style a comb-over is called a loose comb-over. It takes its own shape. Also, it usually has more volume due to the application of various hair styling products. Nevertheless, this hairstyle looks great and matches different hair types and colors.

This style is a favorite among politicians and businessmen. The most famous present-day comb-over belongs to Donald Trump.

A curtained hairstyle for men
The style represents short sides and long top, so again the whole picture is medium. Sometimes it is called undercut and has a distinctly vintage-looking vibe. If you have a strong jawline, a fit figure and an ample dose of confidence then this hairstyle is absolutely right for you.
Prominent people wearing a curtained hairstyle include Paolo Maldini and David Beckham, Nick Carter, Rider Strong and lots of other male celebrities.

A pompadour male hairstyle
Due to two prominent people, this hairstyle saw the world. First – it is Madame de Pompadour, a famous mistress of Louis XV, second – it is Elvis Presley, who decided to put on the hairstyle on his head.
A classical pompadour is worn with short sides and the hair swept upwards and backward, although these days the look has become more erratic.

The best variation of pompadour hairstyle popular nowadays is the following: sides and back are cut extremely short whilst the hair on the crown is left medium. The thing is that this part of the hair must be styled. But nevertheless, a well-done pompadour hairstyle looks really sexy.

A quiff hairstyle for men
The hairstyle is a combination of various styles: the pompadour, flat top, and mohawk. The length of the back and sides must be shorter than that of the top to ensure the evidence of the contrast. In the classical version medium length of your hair is required to create this style. In a modern variant of the quiff, there is a lot of length through the top and extremely short back and sides. The more striking the contrast – the more eye-catching the style will be.

A regular men’s hairstyle
This hairstyle is characterized by a combable length on the top of the head and medium length back and sides. The hair gradually goes down the head in length from longer hair at the upper part of the head to shorter hair at the lower edge of hair growing on the back and sides.

A crazy coils hairstyle for men
The style is extremely popular among people with curly hair. It takes them a lot of time to tame it. But with the appearance of this style, they don’t have to do it. They just let their curls go wild with this disordered medium hairstyle for men. The style is advantageous for its low maintenance.

A ponytail men’s hairstyle
This is the easiest hairstyle for medium length hair. It is the best variant for men with straight kind of hair.

An undercut hairstyle for men
Due to this style, a unique profile can be created. The hairstyle is characterized by shaven sideburns behind the ear and all around the hairline, whereas the crown of the head is left medium length. If the hair is tied back, it provides a clean style finish.

An oseledets male hairstyle
This style comes from the undercut with the only difference that over the thin side the hair is left longer.
The best long length male hairstyles

A cornrows hairstyle for men
This is a traditional African hairstyle in which the hair is braided very close to the scalp. An underhand is used, upward motion to produce a continuous, raised row. Cornrows are formed whether in simple, straight lines or in elaborate geometric or curvilineal designs.
If kept up in careful washing of the hair and periodic oiling of the scalp, rows can be left in for weeks.
The first traces of the style are found in Ethiopia in the early nineteenth century. Cornrows were popular among kings and warriors.
Cornrow hairstyle expresses a wide range of social items: age, religion, status, ethnicity and other attributes of identity. In fact, the act of braiding can transmit cultural values between generations, express relations between friends and set up the role of a professional practitioner.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the style reappeared and again during the 1990s made a comeback due to Allen Iverson, an NBA basketball player.
Over the years the question of wearing cornrows in the American workplace was disputable. Some employers considered them unsuitable for the office and have even banned them. Nowadays this style can be worn all over the world. Nevertheless, it is not allowed in most schools and Universities.

A devilock male hairstyle
In this style, the front is kept long and combed forward, while the sides and back of the hair are kept short.
The hairstyle was invented by Jerry Only, bassist from Misfits, in the late 1970s. In the late 1990s, it spread in Asia from punk rock to mainstream culture. It became really popular among Chinese and Japanese rock groups.

A dreadlocks hairstyle for men
Dreadlocks are basically sections of hair that haven’t been brushed, combed or handled at all. Over time the hair becomes matted and knotted into itself forming the style we know. Over the years people have gone into for several ways to create dreads.
Dreadlocks exist since the dawn of time. Ancient Egyptians and Asian emperors, cavemen, even Samson and John the Baptist wore them. The present-day word “dreadlocks” comes from Jamaica. The word “dread” means fear and horror. Nowadays dreadlocks are worn in India by holy men, the Somali, the New Guineans, and the Aborigines.
In fact, maintaining dreadlocks male hairstyle is not really difficult. There are several tips important to follow. For instance, they should be washed every 2 or 3 days or at least once a week. Another tip is that you can wax your dreads only when they are dry.

There are various reasons among different cultures for wearing locks. They may express deep religious or spiritual convictions, ethnic pride, a political statement, or just be simply a fashion preference.
In modern times dreadlocks gained their popularity with reggae music. Quite often they were worn by famous authors, prominent actors, athletes, and rappers, and were portrayed as part of gang culture in different films. In the 1990s a dreadlocks hairstyle for men reached its popularity in the West among hippies, punks and Goths.
Dreadlocks have become a fashionable men’s hairstyle in professional sports. In spite of the fact that the majority of players with dreads are black, there is a number of white players.

A mullet hairstyle for men
In this male hairstyle, the hair is short at the front and sides, and long in the back.
It is a general misconception that this style appeared in the USA in the 1980s. In fact, the mullet hairstyle has existed for centuries. The most famous example of the mullet style known to everybody is the Great Sphinx. Look, it has the short hair at the front, a complete lack of sideburns, and the long flowing hair at the back. Amazingly, isn’t it?!

In the 1960s and 1970s, the mullet men’s hairstyle slowly grew in popularity, but only in the 1980s, the mullet became prevailing. It started spreading from the southern US states, and then through the rest of the USA, Europe, and South America. In the 1980s and early 1990s, the mullet hairstyle was the best basic haircut for pop stars, footballers, and TV stars. After the mullet fashion boom, it rapidly went out of trend. However, this hairstyle remains popular in some European countries, such as Germany. It can be found among various music cultures from different states.

A rat-tail men’s hairstyle
This style is characterized by a long element of hair, resembling a tail, growing down from the back of the head. Traditionally, the rat-tail must be natural, nevertheless, there are different versions of wearing it – it can be created as a dread, it can be braided, straightened or curled with an iron.
The heyday of this style was during the mid-1980s and the early 1990s. However, for a long time, it has been represented in art life in the Far East, in such countries as Japan, China, and India. It was and still remains an official style of members of some religious orders, for instance, Hare Krishna. In America, the style became popular in the late 1980s and was adopted as an alternative version of the mullet male hairstyle.

In ancient times the style represented social standing, status, and religious affiliation. Later it intended to assert individuality and expressed a desire to be perceived as a non-traditionalist or non-conformist. Nowadays the style is frequently seen in various Japanese comics.

A surfer hairstyle for men
This style is a kind of tousled type of men’s hairstyle. It was popularized by surfers in the 1950s. Originally the hair in the style must be long, thick and bleached by natural means of the sun and salt water of the sea. In the late 1960s and 1970s, the style was represented by hippie culture. These days to achieve a real surfer look you will need different hairstyling products such as special shampoos, hair gels, and hair wax.
The origin of this male hairstyle made it popular in beachy areas such as Hawaii and California. A combination of long hair put in layers, tanning oil, the salt sea water, and the sand makes the hair a lovely mess swept by the wind.

Frankly speaking, these days a surfer hairstyle is made a bit shorter. But still, it reminds us of hot summer days or just seaside places. The style has become common and adorable by lots of celebrities.

A man bun male hairstyle
It is a modern men’s long length hairstyle which is gaining its popularity day by day. To get a right man bun hairstyle you will need just enough hair length. In fact, depending on the length there are two types of this style – the semi bun style and the full bun style. The semi bun is made using the hair only from the top of the head, grabbing and tying it into a single bun.
On the contrary, to create the full man bun male hairstyle you are required to use all the hair from your head, also grabbing and tying it into a single bun. If for the semi bun you need just 5 or 6 inches of hair length that is not the case with the full bun where it is necessary to have at least 9 inches. In fact ideally to get the best man bun hairstyle you would better have 12 to 16 inches of your hair length.
As for the placement of the man bun, it is usually placed on the top of your head. Although through decades men placed their buns anywhere on the head. It is not difficult at all to tie your bun – all you need is just an elastic band and your hands.
Hairstyling tendencies:
- In recent years men have started to take an interest in their hairstyles as well as women do.
- In our contemporary world we can see men wearing not only short length hairstyles but also medium and even long ones.
- The men’s hairstyles that were popular half a century ago are becoming widespread these days.
- There are lots of variations within one hairstyle so it is quite often hard to say to which group or type the definite hairstyle belongs.
- Using all the knowledge about the best hairstyles for men it is possible nowadays to create your own personal hairstyle that will suit you.

To make a long story short as it is seen from the analysis, the most popular men’s hairstyles are the short ones. Nevertheless, it doesn’t matter at all that the rest abundance of hairstyles cannot be applied. Taken into consideration all the points mentioned above you will be able to choose the best hairstyle suitable just for you.
I want to change a hairstyle myself, but i can’t choose the style. Maybe try top knot hairstyle? There is a wide choice! It`s so awesome!
My friend is after cute side hairstyles, he’s in his 30s, oval faced with short length hair. What hairstyling advice can I give him?
If I was him, I’d try a business hairstyle. Looks really cute, doesn’t it?
If you like the look of it, why not to try?! But, frankly speaking, I wouldn’t be happy, if my boyfriend had a top knot, I prefer classic styles. However, it’s just an opinion. Give it a try and you’ll see!
Hi everybody! I looked through all these haircuts and got interested in medium length hairstyles for men. I want my boyfriend to change his hairstyle, but not really sure how to manage it. Will you recommend me anything?
I like mens undercut hairstyles, there’s always something to choose, to vary…seems handsome and dazzling.
Hi! Show the pictures you liked and try to choose something together. Or just take him by the hand and bring to some barber!
Super. Everything cool looks like in a beauty salon. It was nice to look at.
Are there any best hairstyles for oval face shape?
You’re lucky to have oval face shape! I’m a prof barber and can surely say any hairstyle will suit you except the ones with the fringe, it will just make your face rounder.
We picked up lots of brandy hairstyles from the article. Thanks.
Good article! Lots of popular male hairstyles with photos. Now I know what I wanna on my boyfriend.
Great informative article! It helped me with short straight hairstyles for men!
Can you give any idea for good hairstyles for 10 year olds?
Well, I think any short length hairstyle will do. You may also try faux hawk or some spiky styles.
Hey there! I’ve searched for Liam Payne’s hairstyle and came across this article. Found lots of useful information about buzz cut.
Pile of good looking hairstyles! I gonna choose something for myself.
I looked through short men hairstyles now I’m dubious what kind of thing to try on my husband?!
I wonder whether we can define 50 hairstyles men mostly prefer?!
Personally I think for men short hairstyle is the best. How can some employers admit their male employees wearing long length hair? It’s awful! Guys, we aren’t women! Don’t forget it!
Do you happen to know today’s Anthony Kiedis hairstyle?!
Hey, guys! I’m facing a problem of a receding hairline. Is there any solution for me with some hairstyle?
Hi. I’ve heard of widow’s peak hairstyles, good for hair loss and thinning hair problems.
I couldn’t even imagine there’re so many versions of men’s undercut hairstyle! Thanks for enlightenment. :)
Is it real to change a hairstyle weekly? My girlfriend says I’m too predictable, wanna surprise her each week.
Well, I guess if you have enough hair length and various hairstyling products why not to change weekly?! Just be reasonable!
Have a look at Zayn Malik hairstyle! He really knows how to style his hair in different ways. It is not too short, medium enough I think to experiment with various hairstyles. But you need some good basic haircut.
There are so many cool hairstyles to do at home without any barber. I don’t really like going to salons. Thanks for ideas!
I spent much time trying to find some cool summer hairstyles. All of a sudden discovered this article, liked the photos. Now I’m thinking about a butch or a burr hairstyle.
Didn’t have any hint at cute hairstyles for long straight hair. Gonna try surfer hairstyle.
I’ve always faced a trouble in communicating with barbers ‘cause I couldn’t say guy hairstyle names. It’s become easier after reading the article.
As for me I found lots of new hairstyles men wear nowadays. Impressed.
All that sort of thing is doubtfully great but what about curly hairstyles men choose these days?
That’s easy! You take any hairstyle for straight hair and apply it for your curly hair. You’ll surely get breathtaking look.
If you ask me about curly hairstyles for heart shaped faces, then try layered hairstyles with medium length or hairstyles with side swept fringe to create a balanced look.
If I got the authors right short hairstyles men choose more often. Then maybe I’d better cut off my long hair, really tired of it.
What hairstyle is best for round faces?
Well, from my point of view best mens hairstyles for round faces are the styles with volume, e.g. pompadour, spiky, waves, wings, comb-over, layered… something like that. The thing is to avoid your natural roundness.
Hi! I’m facing troubles in setting my hair in humid weather. So maybe there are some hairstyles for humidity?!
Yes, of course! The best way to solve your problem is to cut your hair as short as possible. But the most important thing is to be natural. If your hair is straight, don’t try to curl it and vice-versa. Also you may think about some layered haircut that looks perfect in any weather. Good luck!
My brother and I are fond of one side hairstyles. They are really hot and provide us with new hairstyle without making effort. Thanks to our barber who showed it to us.
Hey guys! What about medium bangs hairstyles? Are they in trend?
I think, the style is in trend when it suits you perfectly! :)
My girlfriend adores Allu Arjun. I didn’t even know who he is! Now I wanna make Allu Arjun hairstyle. What a surprise will be!
You know, I have always been thought fringes are for women. In fact, there’re so many styles for men, blunt fringe hairstyles for instance.
Do you think quizzes help to choose the right haircut? E.g. what hairstyle should I get quiz or smth like that?
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